A diary based on my latest attempts to get a job; this time in Munich. I'm an engineering graduate (and chartered engineer) with more than 10 years' experience in IT. Over five of these years have been spent in team leading and project management roles both in the UK and abroad.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


It's been a while since I lost my reticence. Nowadays I phone just about every recruiter I email. Even if I'm not suitable for the job advertised they may bear me in mind for other roles.

(BTW - bear in mind: I'm never sure whether it's bare as in "gosh it's a bit chilly" or bear as in "grr").

Today I phoned an agency I had emailed yesterday.

Me: "I just wanted to check that you've received my email."

Her: "Yes"

Me: "Good ... [normally the agent starts talking about the role and my c.v. but not this time] ... Could we discuss the role?"

Her: "No. We'll get back to you if we're interested. Goodbye".

Oh well, sometimes agents are like this.

Half an hour later my mobile rings. It's the agency, but a different agent.

He likes my details - we have a good chat - and he tells me the name of the client. It's in Kensington which is close to where I use to live. And it pays a lot of money so I could afford to live around there again.

He does ask about my knowledge of Unix. Well, I used it at university (that was only 20 years ago) and a couple of years ago I played around with Linux. In any case, it's just another system.

He said he'd put my name forward.

A bite.

Later I see another advert from a different agency. It's pretty clear it's for the same job but its description is more demanding on specific technical skills (which I specifically don't have).

Still, I have core and key skills that the client needs, especially around team and service development, and they may count for more than any techie skills. They should.

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