A diary based on my latest attempts to get a job; this time in Munich. I'm an engineering graduate (and chartered engineer) with more than 10 years' experience in IT. Over five of these years have been spent in team leading and project management roles both in the UK and abroad.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Oh Gee See

Yesterday evening I received a speculative email (I'm looking for a job but I get on spec messages) from a recruitment agency asking for PM skills. The writer stressed their urgency.

Also, he said that "OGC" experience was important.

Now OGC stands for Office of Government Commerce and is the successor to the CCTA. This civil service agency was pivotal in getting ITIL and PRINCE 2 into the mainstream of best practices.

There's a lot more to OGC than these methodologies mind, but that's what I guessed they required.

So, I sent a suitable email off.

As you know I've been exasperated by agencies calling before 9am in the morning. Well, it's finally gotten through to at least one agency - the agency who emailed me on spec. Just after I switched on my mobile they rang me in response to my email. I was still in bed but at least I was awake.

We had a good chat. During which, he mentioned "OGC Gateway". Ah. This is how the government procures things these days. I'm not sure if it's a framework or a methodology, or indeed what the hell it is. But I do know that I have no experience in it, not even received training in it.

Actually my bad: I wrote "this is how the government procures things these days". Spot the word ommitted. That word being "should"! Ok, and "procure" should have lost the "s" but you get my drift.

Anyway I suggested he send my c.v. forward as I have other skills and they may find that no-one can offer OGC Gateway experience.

Nice little bite.

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