A diary based on my latest attempts to get a job; this time in Munich. I'm an engineering graduate (and chartered engineer) with more than 10 years' experience in IT. Over five of these years have been spent in team leading and project management roles both in the UK and abroad.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Clean shave

I didn't shave yesterday (for various reasons, getting up too late being one of them) so I definitely needed one today (any more days skipped and I look like someone from the Taliban, especially if I wear my eyepatch - and that look was so two years ago).

Shaving for me has always been difficult. I nearly always use an electric razor otherwise I risk asanguination. In fact I often cut myself even with an electric razor.

Plus, despite now being 40 I'm still prone to acne. Ok, not like a teenager but it does pop up now and then. I once read an article where people were quoted on the great things about being 40. One of them was not gettting spots. Oh well, maybe when I'm 50.

So, to be careful of all this I sometimes - like today - first use a face scrub. Now, I do not subscribe to all this metro-sexual nonsense. I agree with Maddox : the opposite of metro-sexual is heterosexual. But face scrub helps before I shave.

Having just applied the face scrub I heard my mobile phone ring. Gosh, it was a bit loud and I found that I had taken it into the bathroom with me. Not something I normally do, the steam from the shower could ruin its electronics and then what would I do? (Answer: put the SIM card in my reserve handset, of course).

Anyway, agencies do like to call me when I'm in the bathroom so it was just as well I made this mistake.

It was the agency I saw last week. They were simply phoning to say that their client wanted to see me.

That was all. The client didn't have a date yet but the agency wanted to keep me informed of what was happening, as they said they would.

So, that's great, a second interview should happen soon. Well, I hope so. But I've been in a similar situation a few months ago, when a company wanted to see me but never managed to do so.

And I'm now realising that big companies are the worst at organising interviews.

Well, this situation may be different.

Anyway, after the quick call I washed off the face scrub (I've never taken or made business calls with face scrub drying on my face before, honest), shaved and settled down to a big day's job hunting.

And six hours later had managed to apply for 0 jobs.

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