A diary based on my latest attempts to get a job; this time in Munich. I'm an engineering graduate (and chartered engineer) with more than 10 years' experience in IT. Over five of these years have been spent in team leading and project management roles both in the UK and abroad.

Friday, October 29, 2004


I was going to have my regular blood test on Monday. But as I'll be away (working in the City) I had to re-arrange it.

It turns out there's a blood sampling clinic on Friday mornings. I don't know whey they didn't tell me to go to this one originally.

So today, I got up early (for almost anyone) and went along.

There I was dealt with by a nurse who perhaps had had too much coffee.

As well as taking a sample of my blood ("ow") she also tested my blood pressure. I wouldn't have been surprised if it was elevated, in response to her darting around alarmingly. But no, it was fine.

She also asked if I had enough of my prophalactic medication. Damn, I'd hadn't thought of this. It would be a nuisance to quickly sign-on to a doctor's practice in London just to get a repeat prescription. She quickly (I don't think she has another mode) got a prescription printed off and signed by a doctor.

Then, she asked me if I'd like a flu jab. I'm not actually in the category for flu jabs (i.e. elderly or immune compromised) but I quickly thought about it and "yes, that would be nice".


Now feeling ever so slightly flu-ey as you would after such a jab. This was a good idea of her's. I haven't been living in London for over a year so I could easily have picked up any flu going around. Hopefully this has saved me from a big sick-leave early in my new job.

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