A diary based on my latest attempts to get a job; this time in Munich. I'm an engineering graduate (and chartered engineer) with more than 10 years' experience in IT. Over five of these years have been spent in team leading and project management roles both in the UK and abroad.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Bit of a trip

Okay, so it's not every interview which gets me to central Europe.

For example, yesterday I went to St Albans for an interview.

Because I'm now living in the south coast it took me a few hours. Nonetheless I got there early as none of the trains were delayed - a rare event in the UK.

In fact I arrived so early I wandered around the town, found somewhere to eat, then meandered a bit more before turning up at the office.

There were two of them interviewing me, one of whom I'd spoken to on the phone about the role.

The other one was the account manager.

The interview was very much a case of repeating what was said on the phone. Half-way through the account manager said he'd be happy to put my name forward to their client. We spoke a bit more. I reiterated my minimum salary requirements. I felt there was a bit of tension there but it wasn't news to them and they didn't make too much of an issue.

Anyway within half-an-hour the interview was over. Handshakes and I was away, back on the train, and heading towards London.

There I did a little bit of shopping: some jeans and a box of CD-RW. The latter is arse-chlenchingly important. My current CDs are very difficult to write to. And that's a big deal as it means I can't backup my PC. I suspect it's the CDs and not my PC's CD-drive. Probably find out tonight.

After this exciting bout of shopping I met up with friends in Soho.

Whilst drinking beer one of the friends asked me to remind him what I did. I told him, and when asked if I had a c.v. gave him a spare one which I had with me (and had taken for the interview earlier).

Anyway this morning he emailed me. He'd spoken to his boss who was keen on seeing a copy of my c.v. So I emailed him the c.v. He mentioned that they were looking for project managers to take assignments in Sydney for six months. That would definitely suit me.

We'll see what happens but is shows ... not only is important to make those phone calls, it's also important to drink beer. You never know.

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