A diary based on my latest attempts to get a job; this time in Munich. I'm an engineering graduate (and chartered engineer) with more than 10 years' experience in IT. Over five of these years have been spent in team leading and project management roles both in the UK and abroad.

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Long weekend

The UK public holiday arrived just in time. Even unemployed people need breaks, at least I do.

Most of the long weekend was spent studying XP. In other words, it was a very boring weekend. Much like most days.

Hang on. It wasn't that boring. I upgraded my PC to XP's SP2. So, that makes it ... no, sorry, that was boring as well (and uneventful, thankfully).


A good start to the week as I applied for two jobs. This was after trawling through over 2000 jobs (actually I skimm rather than trawl) on web sites going back to Friday lunchtime.


I managed to squeeze out three applications which is unusual on a Friday, especially one next to a long weekend.

This means that last week I made 18 applications where my target is five. I'm quite chuffed about that.

Which is super daft as none of those applications resulted in interviews or offers (at least not yet).


I found it very hard to get writing this blog this evening. And I didn't bother to update it at all on Friday.

So, I wonder what it's like for you readers. But I think you should show some patience and perseverence.

It is of course, hard to keep motivated when Blogger decides to clear your whole edit page just before you click the publish button. This happened just now and I had to retype most of the above.

Now I'm back in the swing I'll post more to this blog tomorrow.


1 comment:

samara said...

Maybe you can entertain us with some wild tech support that showcase your problem solving skills so if anyone's reading you blog who can hire you, they'll be astounded at your abilities and hire on the blog, I mean spot, I mean blogspot...