A diary based on my latest attempts to get a job; this time in Munich. I'm an engineering graduate (and chartered engineer) with more than 10 years' experience in IT. Over five of these years have been spent in team leading and project management roles both in the UK and abroad.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

On-line apps

I normally start job hunting on Sunday afternoons or evenings.

Yet tomorrow is a bank holiday.

Nevertheless, it might not be a bank holiday in some European countries. In the UK we get the view that the Europeans (see a previous entry to understand that just because we're in the EU doesn't mean we're actually Europeans - for a start, we fight better) take every possible opportunity to have a holiday and live off our contribution to the super-state.

It's been a while since I had to know countries' bank holidays for professional reasons. Still, I can guess that the Bavarians are on holiday. They're probably also on rafts as well at the moment.

So, I looked through the Monster job site. And found a job to which I could apply. In Brussels. I've been to Brussels a few times. On the whole a nice place.

The food is much better than French cuisine as it's easy on the garlic. Don't argue with me on this: the French cook amazing food but then overpower it with garlic. What is the point? Oh and I'm very aware that normal, everyday French food isn't that splendid with or without garlic. Plus they don't cook rheindeer so why are they criticizing the Finnish? Or indeed the British who are now renowned for having the best cooking on Earth? And why were the leaders of Germany and Russia smirking with Chirac? It's not like their food is any good (and I have eated at some very good - read expensive - German restaraunts). Sorry, I started.

So, Brussels would be good to work in.

The problem is that the agency wanted an on-line application. On Monster! A year or so ago I tried this and gave up the will to live.

So, I went to the agency's web site and there was a button to click for their vacancies. Great. I clicked it. This took me back to the Monster site. Aaah.

I got round this by finding a generic email address for the agency and sending an email marked FAO the intended receipient.

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