A diary based on my latest attempts to get a job; this time in Munich. I'm an engineering graduate (and chartered engineer) with more than 10 years' experience in IT. Over five of these years have been spent in team leading and project management roles both in the UK and abroad.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Quick chat

So, my friend arranged for his programme director to call me today to discuss a possible PM role in London.

The chat went well. He was concerned that I didn't have any pure business project management experience and seemed to have a strong IT career. But he said he'd like to see me to do a quick scenario excercise. And rather than me flying over, I suggested we used Skype or a similar solution.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


A friend, former colleague and regular (still, I hope) reader of this blog sent me an Instant Message, er, message this afternoon.

I picked it up at home remotely via my LogMeIn connection.

He asked if I classed myself as a project manager these days, which I do.

After my reply he asked me to send him my c.v.

Just did it. Thanks EM.

Now off to a Xing Stammtisch (regular table) near where I live.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Thursday, March 15, 2007

short weeks

A couple of days ago I was contacted by an agency for a contract job in London requiring a relocation project manager.

Yesterday I called him. At first he didn't remember who I am and then, when he'd seen my c.v., he wasn't sure I had enough relocation experience.

But by talking to him I could indicate the relevant bits in my c.v. As a result he became rather interested and wanted to put my name forward. First he sent a job spec over.

It was rather brief, less than a page (and therefore the shortest one I've ever seen). But it did say it was envisaged that the PM would only be required three days a week.

Actually, that would be fine as long as it payed over the odds and I could still afford to fly back to Munich every week (and keep my flat here, and take a hotel, or apart-hotel in London).

He asked for a rate and so I gave him one, quite a high one but in the circumstances not unreasonable.

I'll see what he says.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Another bite

My email alert service is working again. That is, I get a text message on my mobile when I'm sent an email.

And I've been using logmein to occassionally look at my home PC whilst at work.

But I logged out of it around 5pm (CET) yesterday.

When I got home there was an email from a contractor agency. For some reason I wasn't alerted to this fact from my email alerter service.

The agency wanted to know if I was interested in a relocation project management assignment in London.

Well, I am, if it pays enough so I can commute from Munich.

I emailed a positive response and will try to call him today.

I'm thinking more and more of getting one of the new Blackberry devices so I receive emails directly on my mobile phone device. A couple of years ago I used one of the original Crackberries but didn't like it too much. For a start I'm left-handed and the design made it very hard for us superior-beings to use it. Also, their Enterprise software seemed a bit unstable.

But now the design has improved. I'll be looking into getting one in a while.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Cool stuff of the week

When I thought I'd have a lot of spare time I volunteered to be project manager for the Munich Hash House Harriers' Oktoberfest event.

It's the 15th one this year and 80-100 people come from all around the world.

I even started a blog about it but then lost the password.

It's been a bit of a problem getting everyone together for meetings. Well, it's the usual scheduling problem.

But yesterday I was looking through Lifehacker and found that someone had raised a post looking for a solution to just this problem.

There were two main recommendations: Doodle and Where2Meet.

The most suitable for my needs seems to be Doodle. Very easy to use.

Friday, March 09, 2007

A quick trawl

For the first time in a while I did a trawl through my usual on-line sources for jobs in Munich.

I found nothing to which I could apply.

At the moment I feel strangely relaxed. After all I have about three live jobs for which I'm being considered. I'm also networking well - attending Xing and American German Business Club meetings in Munich. And I'm improving my German.

This relaxed feeling, however, may change when I've had a few months like this but without my job. Which is now due to finish at the end of this month.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Oh the bleedin irony

After landing in Heathrow yesterday I took a taxi to the main railway station.

Funnily enough I was driven by a standard issue London taxi driver.

So, we talked. I don't know how he managed it but he didn't once say "hanging's too good for 'em".

He did, however, go on about how London was deteriorating (true by the way) and how he was fed up at all the underhand black market type activity. He might have then said "Innit" but I'm can't remember.

At the station I paid him and he asked if I wanted a receipt. Which I did. He then asked me if I'd like him to fill it in or leave it blank. Fill it in I said (ripping off employers - which in this case is me - or taxpayers - which in this case is also me - isn't something I do).

He did but then gave me another blank receipt for me to fill in as I pleased. A clear example, I think, of underhand-type activity.


I like airports. Well, nice ones like Flughafen Munich not horrible ones like Heathrow to which I was flying yesterday.

I'm in the UK for a few days. No need to get excited.

Whilst I was waiting for my flight at Munich airport my UK mobile rang. It was an agency asking if I was interested in a contract job in central London.

From the description he gave my background ticked all the boxes. More importantly, the rate he mentioned ticked my requirement big-time. It would mean I could easily afford to commute back to Munich at the weekends.

I was interested.

He sent over a job description. But I noticed a couple of blocking points, ie they required experiences I've spent a career-time avoiding. But written job descriptions often deviate from what's really desired. In fact the job description for my current role in no way matches what I've been doing.

So, I sent a reply, emphasizing my interest but pointing out where I lacked the skills they were requiring.

Then - and this is the important bit - I phoned him. A quick chat confirmed that those lacking skills were not that important after all.

Hurray, a bite.

Airports are different. At Munich I could hear the phone call. Even better I happily took out my TabletPC and used it in the departure lounge. If I did that in Heathrow the coroner would give a verdict of suicide.

Friday, March 02, 2007


During the working day I put my mobile phones (that's right, I have two) on a discrete setting. They only beep once when someone calls.

So, when they're in my pockets I don't always hear them.

Like today.

Anyway a message was left. It was the agency who called me a couple of weeks ago about a global project management freelance role.

She wanted to know if I was still available.

Well, I am, but now from April, not March. That seemed fine with her; it seems the job hadn't so much died as gone into a bit of a coma. But was slowly waking up now.

Thanks for the tip

Cheers GB,

Charming snakes, pleasuring wilderbeest, managing projects in an international business environment ... so hard to choose.

(By the way GB is a regular contributor to Chase Me Ladies I'm In the Cavalry. One post on GB's own web site, about Hawaii 5-0, gets more responses than I've had in total from over 800 posts)