A diary based on my latest attempts to get a job; this time in Munich. I'm an engineering graduate (and chartered engineer) with more than 10 years' experience in IT. Over five of these years have been spent in team leading and project management roles both in the UK and abroad.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Attnetion to dteail


I printed off my c.v. at work to give to our recruitment company.

(The company has subsidaries in the same office, one of which does recruitment. Being an interim, it's quite acceptable for me to approach them).

Despite the near six month break I'm still too familiar with my c.v. So familiar, in fact, that I completely missed some rather obvious howlers.

These only became apparent when I printed off a copy.

Corrected the errors tonight but I'll double check the c.v. tomorrow.

You can't rely on most recruitment agencies to spot these errors (although the subsidary would probably spot them a mile away, in the dark, with their eyes closed).

I also spoke with an agency I've used (to recruit) and who have a good reputation.

They advised me that the market is very liquid at the moment. It's 48% better than same time last year. With this liquidity recruiters will be reluctant to wait a month for someone. So, I'll call them again around mid-May. With my luck, the market will have collapsed again ...

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