A diary based on my latest attempts to get a job; this time in Munich. I'm an engineering graduate (and chartered engineer) with more than 10 years' experience in IT. Over five of these years have been spent in team leading and project management roles both in the UK and abroad.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005


Having corrected my c.v. I found what could be a suitable job in the Monster.

It's for a relocation manager in London. It wasn't clear if it was a contract or permenant assignment although I guess the former.

They did ask for people who had done big relocations. Well my experience has been for mainly medium-sized companies but the processes I use can scale to almost any size. You could in fact argue that I've done "big" relocations.

Once again I suspect they'd want someone who can start "immediately". But there's no harm applying. Quite a few companies are very slow recruiting "urgent" roles (over two years and counting in one of my experience) and my contact with the agency may lead to other things.

Today I applied for one job.

Attnetion to dteail


I printed off my c.v. at work to give to our recruitment company.

(The company has subsidaries in the same office, one of which does recruitment. Being an interim, it's quite acceptable for me to approach them).

Despite the near six month break I'm still too familiar with my c.v. So familiar, in fact, that I completely missed some rather obvious howlers.

These only became apparent when I printed off a copy.

Corrected the errors tonight but I'll double check the c.v. tomorrow.

You can't rely on most recruitment agencies to spot these errors (although the subsidary would probably spot them a mile away, in the dark, with their eyes closed).

I also spoke with an agency I've used (to recruit) and who have a good reputation.

They advised me that the market is very liquid at the moment. It's 48% better than same time last year. With this liquidity recruiters will be reluctant to wait a month for someone. So, I'll call them again around mid-May. With my luck, the market will have collapsed again ...

Monday, April 25, 2005


A day at work, a home-made seafood risotto and then an hour spent on Monster.

Didn't see any jobs.

Not true. Saw one which was right up my street (people management within the IT sector) but then a bit further on, and then a bit to the right.

It was in Suffolk.

OK, if I didn't have a job I would have applied. But I do have a job (that thing I do between breakfast and dinner) so I reckon I can afford to be a bit picky for a few more weeks. And picky means working in a metropolitan area, preferably within Western Europe. Oh, and being paid loads. Not too picky, see.

Today I applied for zero jobs and had zero bites.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

I'm in love with a German film star

Actually I'm not although Franka Potenta in Run Lola Run was ...

Anyway, I phoned the agency handling the possible job in Duesseldorf (new readers please note that this is the correct way to spell that city's name if you don't have an umlaut key).

The agent sounded quite enthusiastic but then again he always does, for the last two years.

Seems the client is getting close to finishing their reorganisation and start recruiting big style. Good. And probably they'll recruit for one year fixed term contracts. Even better for me.

Although I'd happily relocate to Germany on a permanent basis a fixed contract gives me a feeling of flexibility. Like, I'd want to return to a rainy, badly constructed country which serves beer in half litres.

I said I'd call him next week. Maybe things are finally improving.

Could any German readers advise me of their language's equivalent of "oink oink flap flap"?

Monday, April 18, 2005

I might be back to it.

On Friday I received a speculative email from an agency looking for a contractor project manager to start "ASAP".

I phoned the agent today and advised him that I wouldn't be available until the beginning of June.


ASAP=six weeks later in this case.

But he said he'd confirm that they could wait until June.

Meantime I sent him my c.v. which meant I had to update it first (see one of yesterday's entries).

So, today I applied for one job and effectively had one bite.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Another thing ...

... I should do is update my latest c.v.

Currently it says "I am project managing the relocation ...". I now need to change the tense and add a "successfully".

But I've had too much of a weekend.

BTW a month ago I was given the all clear to stop taking some prophylactic medicine which meant I could only drink one pint a day. So, now that I've had my full drinking licence returned I've been indulging - quite a bit for me but by no means binging (not least because I don't have the tolerance).

Seen in The Sunday Times ...

a short article, mainly bullet points about consultants.

Actually I don't think I'm consultant material: I prefer to do and involve others rather than simply advise.

I'm tireder than you

Look, just because I haven't updated this blog doesn't mean I haven't done any job hunting.

Actually I haven't done any job hunting but I don't think you can conclude that from the lack of updates.

Or maybe you can.

I'd say there was a correlation of around 0.7 although some academics would argue that it should be nearer 0.8.

Anyway, last weekend I moved the IT (voice and data) for my employer's headquarters into their shiny new offices.

It was the culmination of a lot of preparation and it went smoothly. Which is fortunate as failure would be a bit career limiting.

So, last week I was rather tired (implementing an office relocation involves long, stressful hours). I took Friday off although I went to some after work drinks with some colleagues.

I relaxed, perhaps a bit too energetically, yesterday so am resting today.

Now that the office move is completed I can get down to my CCNA study and renewed job hunting efforts. Now is definitely the time if I want to stay in London (which I do) or get a good job in a nice European city.