A diary based on my latest attempts to get a job; this time in Munich. I'm an engineering graduate (and chartered engineer) with more than 10 years' experience in IT. Over five of these years have been spent in team leading and project management roles both in the UK and abroad.

Monday, January 03, 2005


Went to the sales today.

Most of the stuff I bought wasn't on discount. One shop even packed my purchases in a bag with the words "Clearance Sale" in big red.

I looked around the bag for the accompayning "... my arse".

But this is a job hunting blog, not a sales hunting blog and so I need to change the subject.

It's the third day of the new year so I have five months left in this job. I took two months off in November and December. That is, off from job hunting.

But now I better take advantage of being in a job to get another job.

There's a few things I can automatically do. These include:

- update my business cards and make them look a bit better. I have about 400 left but I think they need to be improved.
- update my web site. I'm no longer a CCNA as that expired in December. I will requalify sometime. Meantime I should update my web site's c.v. and other information.
- atttend the upcoming British Computer Society event in London.

I'm living in central London and work in the City so I'm running out of excuses as to why I don't network better. The only one I can come up with is that January is always a quiet month.

Readers should note that although I very eagerly wrote a list (above) about the things I should do, I'm not going to do them today.

It's not just pure procrastination (one of my favourite activities when I get round to it), I'm going through an excellent book on Windows 2003 Server by Mark Minasi.

In the last few years I've been rather hands-off (to the extent of even managing hands-off managers). But in this job I need to be more technical. This book, however, is very easy and indeed enjoyable to read. And I write this from a non-geek perspective.

Well, I better go read the book ...

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