A diary based on my latest attempts to get a job; this time in Munich. I'm an engineering graduate (and chartered engineer) with more than 10 years' experience in IT. Over five of these years have been spent in team leading and project management roles both in the UK and abroad.

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Couple of busy days


Before leaving for my interview in London I managed to fire off a couple of applications to recruiters.

One of the recruiters called back today. She went through my details and determined that I didn't have .NET or SQL experience. Although it was jolly nice of her to phone, the reason those technologies were'nt on my c.v. I sent her was that I don't know them at all. I do try to exclude from my c.v. technologies I've never touched. Maybe I should have a section on the document titled Technologies I Don't Know and have several pages listing them all.

As fas as I'm concerned, however, her call still counts as a bite.

I also received an email from a recruiter about a contract role, so I sent him my c.v. And yes, that counts as a bite if they contact me unbidden.

Whilst on the train to London I also received a phone call from another recruiter about a freelance project assignment. Definitely interested.

When I arrived in London I went to the City Business Library to find out about the company who was interviewing me. I didn't have that much time. But I did find out that they've been making a loss for the last six years.

Then went for the interview which started after 6pm as they were running late. I left well after 7pm and arrived back home after 10pm.

Oh yes, the interview went well I think. There were no questions or situations they described which phased me. In my career I've pretty much done what they're asking for. In fact, I'm probably a bit senior for this role and certainly used to better salaries. We'll see what happens.

Thursday (today)

Although I aim to make five applications per week, as an absolute minimum, I let pass weeks when I've had interviews. Interviews tend to be too disruptive to job hunt around them (and I do a lot of preparation before hand).

Yet today alone I applied for six jobs.

I phoned a few agencies after applying. Most hadn't yet seen my c.v., some were busy on other recruitment requirements and said they'd get back to me, and one was kurt to the point of rudeness (with a "why are you phoning me?" attitude).

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