A diary based on my latest attempts to get a job; this time in Munich. I'm an engineering graduate (and chartered engineer) with more than 10 years' experience in IT. Over five of these years have been spent in team leading and project management roles both in the UK and abroad.

Thursday, September 30, 2004


Feels like I'm getting a cold. Oh well, the job search continues.


Modern physics (well not that modern) suggests that there are an infinite number of parallel universes.

Some will be viable for stars and galaxies to form. Others wouldn't develop beyond strings (if you believe the recent string theories).

And so on and so forth. There'll be at least one where I have a harem full of Nordic blondes feeding me chocolate cake. And there'll be another where I'm really pissed off.

Hang on.

Just a mo'.

Damn, it's this one.

Birthday present

On my c.v., business card and email signature I give my mobile phone number. I do have a landline but never quote it.

This works well; practically wherever I go I'm contactable. When I went to Vancouver agencies could get through to me. They did, calling me at 3 and 4 o'clock in the morning. My busiest week, in terms of receiving phone calls, was when I was in Vancouver.

The only time I may not have the mobile is when I'm in the bathroom.

When I make outgoing calls from home, however, I do use the landline phone.

I've been thinking. It'd be really nice to have a landline phone which connected to my Bluetooth headset. Apart from making me look like a sex-God the headset means my hands are free. So I can write down notes and check the emails I've sent them, etc, on my computer.

Does such a device exist? It'll be my birthday in a couple of months ...


Here's some advice for recruitment agencies:
  1. when I call you, finish eating the cake before you answer
  2. state your requirements; I need to expand on this:
  • if you need someone with recent banking experience then state "recent banking experience required"
  • if you need someone to live within one hour's distance of a God-awful town somewhere up North then state "Northern monkeys need only apply"

To prevent this site turning into an English fascimile of Maddox please follow those simple guidelines.

I phoned two agencies today who gave me these requirements. They could have easily put these requirements in their adverts. Instead I had to phone, a few times, which is a cost for me. And I can spend up to half an hour crafting my c.v. and covering email for each job application. This is time I could spend on other job adverts, this blog site, or developing my business.

The next time I see a job advert for someone to move into IT recruitment I think I might apply.


Today I applied for four jobs. There were no bites but nearly multiple homicides.

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