A diary based on my latest attempts to get a job; this time in Munich. I'm an engineering graduate (and chartered engineer) with more than 10 years' experience in IT. Over five of these years have been spent in team leading and project management roles both in the UK and abroad.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Let me give you some background:

  1. I've worked for three SMBs and none of them exist now (not taken over, just went out of business). Actually, since Tuesday I am working for a fourth.
  2. When the interview was arranged for last Monday it was orginally set for 3pm. Then it was moved to 7pm
  3. I was told the company would find a room near the central railway station in which to interview me. Turned out to be the terrace of an, albeit very nice, ice-cream parlour.
  4. They then tried to meet my minimum salary requirements by a combination of basic plus bonus. To be fair they quickly accepted my insistence.
  5. I was told they would find a "nice flat" for me for three months. Today they sent a link to the flat they had found. Basically a studio. Except there was only a single bed, almost a camp bed. And the bathroom was a shower with a toilet so close to it that I doubt you could properly sit on it. I told them straightaway this was unacceptable and they will keep me in a hotel for a bit longer.
Now, I know a lot of people would be very grateful for the above. I know too how difficult it is to get a job - heck, it once took me two years (as well readers of this blog will know). But the company keeps giving me bad feelings.

Except they also give me good feelings. The people I work with, even the HR people ("the enemy) - they were fine when I told them I would not accept the flat - all seem pretty decent.

It ain't Munich but most jobs for which I've applied haven't been there.

The job is not in the slightest technically demanding. The main thing is to simplify a needlessly chaotic situation.

I can walk away from it (in Germany the practice is two have a trial period of about six months when each side is on two weeks' notice) if I want to.

I don't know.

Today I applied for one freelance job which is located somewhere in Bavaria.

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