A diary based on my latest attempts to get a job; this time in Munich. I'm an engineering graduate (and chartered engineer) with more than 10 years' experience in IT. Over five of these years have been spent in team leading and project management roles both in the UK and abroad.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Political analyst

Never have I written about my desires to become a political analyst.


Because I never wanted to be a political analyst: it just never occurred to me to be one.

But maybe I should.

I seem to have spotted something which no-one else has ...

Why is Norway a cause for concern these days?

Here are the top reasons:

  1. it has vast reserves of oil
  2. it has been involved in a known and serious attempt to produce WMD and has large reserves of a required component
  3. its environment makes counter-insurgency operations difficult
  4. its ruler is a man who is in his position, not by election, but by the "Grace of [a Middle-Eastern] God"
  5. quite a few of the men have beards.
So why has Norway, or Al-Norway as I think we can more appropriately call it, decided to give the new US President the Nobel Prize for Peace? He probably hasn't worked out how to adjust his office chair yet, let alone work out who is who in the Middle East War process.

Obviously Al-Norway is trying to head off an invasion by the Coalition of the Willing in The War Against Terror.

And they knew that being a member of NATO wasn't sufficient cover.

So, if I can work all this out over a cup of tea maybe I should change careers.

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