A diary based on my latest attempts to get a job; this time in Munich. I'm an engineering graduate (and chartered engineer) with more than 10 years' experience in IT. Over five of these years have been spent in team leading and project management roles both in the UK and abroad.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Oh, oh

You may notice that my titles are getting lamer. Sorry. I have written over 800 posts on this blog alone and I'm seriously running out of ideas for titles.

Anyway on Monday I emailed the agent about the job in Vienna, as I still haven't heard anything.

On Tuesday he replied that he still felt that his client should see me. However, the client suspected that I lacked experience in a certain area they required.

So, initially I may just have a telephone interview.

Oh, well.

A bit later I received an email from the company who interviewed me a couple of weeks ago in Munich.

I had been wondering when they would get back to me. The few days they had promised was now well over a week.

Still that's companies for you.

Oh yes, the email: it said they wanted to interview me again this Thursday.


They being HR.


I had a quick word with my boss to see if I could take Thursday off. No problem.

Within an hour I had replied confirming the interview. And they rather nicely replied back, thanking me for being able to interview at such short notice.

And this time the emails were all written in English (my favourite language).

So, tomorrow I have a second interview.

Now, I should get super excited but I have a slight caution. I have a sneaking suspicion that German companies sometimes go through the whole recruitment process even if they don't want to actually recruit you. And at my first visit to the company HR were unexpectantly unavailabe.

This view may be unfair of me. I hope they're interviewing me because I did well at the interview with the line manager. I really think there's a good fit between the job and me.

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