A diary based on my latest attempts to get a job; this time in Munich. I'm an engineering graduate (and chartered engineer) with more than 10 years' experience in IT. Over five of these years have been spent in team leading and project management roles both in the UK and abroad.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Some more news

My boss had a quick work with me today.

Apparently they've given up looking for replacements for me and another contractor from within their organisation (they were obliged to continue looking).

That means I should be staying in Munich longer than April.

My liver will be so happy.

But I'll continue to update this blog. Why?

  • Well, they can't sign the new contracts straight away and things can go wrong (all good project managers are pessimists).
  • This is the ultimate job hunting blog after all so it will take more than a trifle thing like a job to stop me from updating it.
What do you mean, you've stopped reading this as it's never updated?!

Sunday, March 05, 2006


Yesterday I moved from my rather disappointing hotel in Giesing into a rather lovely hotel in Schwabing.

It’s 232m from where I used to stay in a flat many years ago when I worked around the German-speaking countries.

That’s good and bad. But not too bad as I’m not very sentimental.

Today I asked to extend my stay in the hotel to the first week of October. I’m assuming my contract won’t be terminated beforehand but if it is I only have to give a week’s notice.

It was really important to do this booking as soon as possible. In July, I think, it’s the World Working Class Latent Homosexual Championship, also known as the Football World Cup (I think) being held in Munich.

(Now, let’s be honest here: I haven’t seen much football at all, nor had much association with gays, but it’s obvious isn’t it).

The price of the room during this period goes up quite a bit. But I don’t see a choice. I’m just glad a room was available. I guess the price of a haircut will also go up during this time as well.

It’s a very nice hotel and has no pretensions on being an apart-hotel (well, as far as my room is concerned).

And the bed is big enough for four people at a squeeze (girls, apply by email)!

Some news

Last week my manager had a word with another contractor (who had joined on the same day) and me.

Apparently the company had screwed up with their internal recruitment process. They hadn’t completed it – and their policy is that they always exhaust internal sources before recruiting externally.

So, the manager had to give us notice that our contracts would be terminated on 14th April.

Oh Cuntly Cuntington (you’re not still reading this at work, are you?).

The manager stressed, however, that he thought it very unlikely that the contracts would be actually terminated. His procurement department had spent six months beforehand failing to find anyone internally (and I’m not surprised) so he strongly doubted that they would find anyone in one month. And that’s all he’s giving them. If they don’t get someone within March then he keeps us.

Good news for the readers of this blog, bad news for this blogger.

For a start, I can’t get a flat until the situation improves.

I’m not going to go all out job hunting. Well, after work (I’m contracted for a very un-German 45 hour-week and I do more than that) I don’t have time.

But I will do some below-the-line hunting and try to make use of openBC (a business networking tool – like LinkedIn – which is popular in Germany and is, in fact, a German company).