A diary based on my latest attempts to get a job; this time in Munich. I'm an engineering graduate (and chartered engineer) with more than 10 years' experience in IT. Over five of these years have been spent in team leading and project management roles both in the UK and abroad.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

End of the month


Let's get today over with first. Today I applied for one job. That means the total for this week, so far, is three applications. If I put my mind to it I think I can reach my minimum of five applications by Friday.

Just in case I get called for an interview soon I got a haircut this afternoon. This means I won't get called for an interview in the next month, until my hair needs another cut.

Not too much to report about my haircut: head, hair, scissors - you know the score.

If you wanted to describe my hairstyle without using the word "short" then you'd have difficulties.

Summary of last month

This was my first full month of uninterrupted job hunting.

Looking through my database of applications I find I applied for 63 jobs. These resulted in six bites (that is, a positive response of some sort, not necessarily an interview). That's just about a ratio of 1:10 which I've found (from previous job hunting experiences) is sadly the norm.

I haven't heard back from any of the bites including the recruiters for the jobs in Singapore and Duesseldorf. Again, from my previous experiences I'm not at all surprised.

Other achievements

Funny that I call 63 applications without one interview an achievement. Anyway, I've managed to watch German TV news most days (there's a webcast), I've done a little bit of business development and I'm actually learning XP.

The latter is very good. After my accident I was a little bit worried about my ability to memorise and recall things. In fact I've never had a very good memory. People ask me how I took a degree in electronics with such a poor memory and inability in mathematics. "Well," I answer, "it wasn't easy."

Oh, and I resolved an issue surrounding a particular use of apostrophes.

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