A diary based on my latest attempts to get a job; this time in Munich. I'm an engineering graduate (and chartered engineer) with more than 10 years' experience in IT. Over five of these years have been spent in team leading and project management roles both in the UK and abroad.

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Back to it


I returned late last night from Helsinki.

English people should never be allowed out of the country. Especially to developed countries like Finland or Germany. They may never return.

Unfortunately I did return. It's a bad time to job hunt in Finland as the whole country is on holiday. In fact, they all go back to work next week.

This morning I got back into the job hunting routine. And managed to fire off six applications. That's good for one week, let alone one day.

As I wrote one application I had a feeling of deja vu (I know this French word should have accents). Over a year ago I applied for a job with a large company in the Rhine area of Germany.

The recruitment counsultant liked my c.v. and put my name forward. Then things got drawn out, weeks to months. Eventually we agreed that the role had probably died.

As I wrote this application I had the feeling that I was writing to the same consultant. After I'd hit the Send button I started to look at my jobs database to see if it indeed was the same consultant. But before I could do this he had phoned me! Not only was it the same consultant, it was for the same client!

This role was a bit different but still seems to match very well. And the consultant feels that the client now has their act together and can turn things around in about two week (rather than five months to never).

He's sent me a big, three page job description and asked me to tailor my c.v. to fit it (within the bounds of honesty). That's my homework for this evening, I'll send it off to him by tomorrow morning.

No news from Prague

I also phoned the agency who's been handling my application for a company setting up in Prague. No news although my call has prompted him to fire off an email to them.

The company has a world-wide presence and normally quite a good reputation. I'm very surprised that they haven't given me any feedback. Although they paid for my flight the trip there cost me quite a bit of money (plus lost income). So, I'm not impressed.

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