A diary based on my latest attempts to get a job; this time in Munich. I'm an engineering graduate (and chartered engineer) with more than 10 years' experience in IT. Over five of these years have been spent in team leading and project management roles both in the UK and abroad.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Post-election blues

Although I am not American I have, and have had, close connections with the US.

And last week I attended an election party at a Wirthaus.

I left after 5am and after six beers. I needed them.

Even if I was an American I wouldn't be a Democrat although I also wouldn't be a Republican. Nevertheless I was saddened at the outcome for several reasons:

  • Americans I care for (and have cared for) will be deeply upset and, especially for the women, in quite a worrying place.
  • I can't see this working out from an economic perspective which ultimately means a global economic perspective.
  • It means I can't go back to the US, even on visits. 

I am clearly not a Muslim - as I am typing this I have a glass of Cabernet Sauvignon to hand - but one of my ancestors was a "just about" Muslim and my name and hue could arouse suspicions.

I'm not worried about being stopped at immigration - that's happened before and is no biggie. It's more that there are so many people there who are fine with their president being a racist and fascist.

From a purely physical safety perspective I would no longer feel safe there.

Which hinders my global career. Even as a global PM I would not have gone to the more intensely Islamic countries - explaining why I am not, nor have ever been a Muslim, may have been somewhat awkward and could have gone terribly wrong (for people who do not understand English understatement google "decapitation").

I don't want to explain this to a bunch newly emboldened American thugs (I call them Americunts) whilst they are swinging at me or worse.

By the way I do know that many, maybe most, American didn't vote for the orange fascist. I also appreciate that not all those who voted for Trump would like to be called racists - I guess they would be happy being called racism-appeasers (and feel free to replace racist with misogynist - it's just that my pussy can'r be grabbed as I don't have one but I have a brownish face which can be punched or shot at).

Yeah, and I know that I have been to totalitarian and women-negative countries on business so it's not a purely principled boycott but one focussed on physical safety.

So, thanks Donny-boy and your fellow rascism-appeasers, you will no longer benefit from my awesome project management and IT management skills, let alone my dry humour and self-deprecation. Unless you continue to read this blog. Which you should.

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