A diary based on my latest attempts to get a job; this time in Munich. I'm an engineering graduate (and chartered engineer) with more than 10 years' experience in IT. Over five of these years have been spent in team leading and project management roles both in the UK and abroad.

Monday, June 22, 2015

A bad day

Last night I didn't sleep very well.

This morning I sent messages to a few contacts on LinkedIn.

My help-desk manager later at work told me that I had looked glum all day.

This late afternoon I had to have a meeting with my teams (which includes the help desk manager) and tell them that some or even all of them would be outsourced.

Not my idea -  obviously.

I hope I handed it well, or at least not too badly.

I left work relatively early but I couldn't do anything useful (like job hunt) in the evening.

For some background, we have spent ages insourcing and then developing the teams beyond the storming stage. Then we get a new CITO who has the big fat idea of outsourcing. Just like that.

1 comment:

The Job Hunter With No Name said...

At the meeting one of my colleagues asked me what was going to happen to me.

My experience of outsourcing in the UK is different to how it happens in Germany - in Britain it is significantly more employee-friendly which is surprising. To avoid legal problems I asked for a manager from HR to be in the meeting. The CITO was also there.

My answer was vague - I muttered something about dealing with one concern at the time - as, of course, no one has discussed my future with me.

Although the company's deadline to do my appraisals and set my new performance targets has passed.