A diary based on my latest attempts to get a job; this time in Munich. I'm an engineering graduate (and chartered engineer) with more than 10 years' experience in IT. Over five of these years have been spent in team leading and project management roles both in the UK and abroad.

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Breaking the news

Yesterday I went into the office in Frankfurt.

My boss called asking me to go straight over to the client.

No problem I told him.

But I then told him I was resigning.

He said he was not surprised but disappointed.

He asked but I told him there was nothing he could do to change my mind.

He asked me to give it a week - which I can't as I've accepted another job - and to keep an open mind - which being an open minded sort of person I agreed. But I told him I was still submitting my resignation.

It is very bad for him as a fellow project manager (who has worked there longer) is off sick and may be so for quite a while.

But it is even worse for him. Later today I was talking to a project controller who told me that she had also resigned.

Sunday, August 07, 2011


Since the good news on Wednesday I have been thinking and talking to people about the options.

Except there is no option - I can't continue in the current company. Even though I've been told it will get better. I've talked with some colleagues and they don't think it will.

In a little while I will be going up to Frankfurt. My case is packed and I have written a letter of resignation.

Meanwhile I have also signed and emailed my acceptance of the new contract.

Wednesday, August 03, 2011


After writing my thank you note I went out for some food.

And a glass of wine (ref Rioja).

Halfway through it my recruitment agent called me.

This was a bit embarrassing as it sounded as if I was in a pub.

Because I was in a pub.

The recruitment agent explained that the interviewers liked me.

And that they were going to offer me the contract (they couldn't be arsed with all that waiting until next week nonsense).

I decided to have another glass of wine.

Thank you

So I had the interview and it seemed to go ok.

They said they would get back to me next week.

Afterwards I contacted the Texas-based recruitment consultant.

During the debrief she suggested I write a "thank you" note.

Of course, Americans expect that.

Being English I had never, ever done that before (it would come across badly to cynical British eyes).

So, I wrote my first ever thank you note.

Tuesday, August 02, 2011



But I am off sick.

But it is a telephone interview.

I will call a conference number in the US but the actual job should be in Frankfurt.