A diary based on my latest attempts to get a job; this time in Munich. I'm an engineering graduate (and chartered engineer) with more than 10 years' experience in IT. Over five of these years have been spent in team leading and project management roles both in the UK and abroad.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

That Sunday feeling


There's an American German Business Club meeting coming up mid-week. I am a member. But not sure if I want to go to it.

There is a Xing.com dinner the week after. I am a premium member but not sure if I want to go.

I think I am having a severe case of Sunday.

Maybe it is the lack of curry. Will rectify that soon.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

job hunting blog of the week

Despite my recent foray into international political analysis I actually want to remain doing what I am currently doing.

Which is as little as possible for as much as possible.

Which is, of course, project management.

For those of you, however, who need a bit more specialisation in your job hunting blog reading, and wonder what the world looks like outside of your town, I suggest you look at this blog. It's about searching for an international affairs position.

In fact book mark it if you like, even become a follower, I won't mind or pout. Just make sure you come back to this blog too.

Sunday, November 08, 2009

How to get a job in Munich

A friend contacted me as he knows an English man looking for a job here.

Unfortunately this was during the time of my kidney stone so I was a bit distracted.

Nevertheless I wrote the contact some advice, which I've paraphrased here:

- http://toytowngermany.com/: the main forum for expats in Germany. As well as giving social opportunities there are resources on finding jobs here. OK, I got disenchanted with it but for getting into the expat-in-Munich scene it is very good. Ignore the stupidity and bitchiness though.

- Internations: a "smarter" set than the Toytown crowd, this forum organizes gatherings which are quite good. Except they do turn into cattle markets a bit. Nevertheless, it's part of your networking armoury.

- LinkedIn: enough said

- Xing.com: like LinkedIn but more of a German focus. Also does good real world networking events.

- www.gulp.de: a very good website for IT people in Germany. I found my current job through it.

- Michael Bailey Associate, http://www.mbade.com/: a very good contractor agency

- www.Monster.com: obviously but still good

- www.jobserve.co.uk: also obviously but still good, the first contract I took in Germany was advertised on these two sites

- German: unless you have a gun no-one will to speak to you in German. It is very frustrating. There are lots of courses teaching German but quite a few are considered a joke. Check out Toytown for recommendations.

- Not being able to speak German: don't worry about it. German companies will only recruit fluent German speakers and it will take you a while to get there. Unless they have an international reach in which case the most important language to have is English (at Siemens the operational language in English not German).

- German c.v.(Lebenslauf): I've found that using my usual English c.v. is good enough as I apply to internationally-minded companies.

- International companies: there are loads here but a lot, including my one, have hiring freezes. Which leads me to:

- Süddeutschezeitung: the weekend edition has a jobs and career supplement. Some jobs are in English. But the big thing is it shows you which companies are hiring, and therefore doing relatively well, and therefore might be candidates for speculative applications

- American German Business Club: www.jambit.com/agbc, I'm not American, I'm not German but that is no hindrance to joining (a former, recent president of the Munich club was also British). Not as good as it sounds for networking but still worth a go.

Thursday, November 05, 2009

shocking story

So I wake up and talk to TUJHGF (the ultimate job hunter's girlfriend) in the US over ooVoo.

Yesterday she went to a career fair and heard a speaker tell of a friend who had a lifetime's ambition to work for ...




That's right, a lifetime's ambition to work for Accenture.

This story has ruined my day.