A diary based on my latest attempts to get a job; this time in Munich. I'm an engineering graduate (and chartered engineer) with more than 10 years' experience in IT. Over five of these years have been spent in team leading and project management roles both in the UK and abroad.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

First day

Well, it was fine.

In fact, rather remarkably, I had computer and voice services ready and waiting for me.

They did, however, spell my surname wrong. But that's not unusual.

And on Friday I'm going to the Swedish office. Just for the day.

This means a very early start.

And worse, tomorrow I have a networking dinner at Xing. Which won't finish early.

I am, of course, still networking. When you have a job is the best time to do it.

Plus, being a freelancer, I am open to other opportunities if I can fit them in.

Anyone need a consultant for occassional use?

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Apparently there's a new version of ITIL out.

Foundation exams can be taken from 13th June. I suppose I better get round to studying for it.


As you can imagine it hasn't been easy to find shirts in Munich that won't make me vomit. Or don't have short sleeves. Or don't have logos on their breast pockets.

But I've managed it.

I've also polished my shoes, had my suit dry cleaned (I hope to only use it this first little week) and printed out a map to the actual site.

Friday, May 18, 2007


Today I brought a scanner/printer/photocopier device.

Last night I read up (on the www, where else?) about the HP F380.

There were mixed reviews.

Today I went to the shops to buy one. I was just about to make the purchase when I saw an HP C3180 at only €10 more.


So, I ran out of the shop and found an internet cafe where I spent an hour researching it.

This model has slightly fewer grips on the internet.

Anyway both were cheap. My needs are simple. Scan in receipts for my work (for expenses), maybe print off a few things, maybe, just maybe the odd photocopy. The other important thing is that I wanted it to be small. I don't have much desk space and I have no desire to have a big-ass machine which I will seldom use.

Spent the rest of the day casually setting it up. Not that easy when there aren't any instructions for it written in English.

Anyway, I've checked it out and it seems to work fine.

I've even scanned in the receipt for it as it will be a business expense.

Interestingly, HP have a policy of not including the connection cable to the PC. Now, this thing can work stand-alone, as a photocopier, but then why would you buy a multi-functional device? Buying this cable added €10 (that's seven quid) to the price.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Bit of a delay

One thing you need to know when you start a new job is where will you be actually working.

I didn't know this. And it would be no use saying go where I was interviewed. Because I was driven by the agency from their office to the client's office.

Another good thing to know is when to start. Some companies start before 9 am (bad ones) and some at 9 am (just about ok ones).

So, I emailed the manager whose contact details I had been given. But my email was bounced by the client's spam filter. I tried again using a different Reply to address (I know, I should have also changed the From address). Same result.

Then my phone rang. It was the manager I had just been trying to email.

By coincidence he wanted to talk to me anyway. He felt it would be better if I started on Wednesday next week as then I'll be able to meet another manager with whom I'll be working.

Very fine with me.

Monday, May 14, 2007

A summary of the problems facing Germany today

Today I tried to buy some new shirts to go with my new job, starting next week.
Pretty easy: go to downtown Munich, go to one of the large department stores, go to the mensware department, find the shirt section ...

That's where the trouble set in.

First of all it wasn't clear if I was looking at shirts or pyjamas.

Secondly, Germans clearly do not appreciate removeable collar stiffners.

Thirdly, practically all the shirts had logos on them. Discrete but still logos.

Fourthly, a lot of the shirts were short-sleeved ones. In a modern, advanced, democratic society there really is no excuse for that.

Fifthly, the shirts which did not have logos but had long sleeves then didn't have breast pockets. Just about acceptable except for ...

Sixthly, the colours and patterns could only have been designed by ... well, by Germans.

Tomorrow I'm having another German lesson and although we don't do phrases I may ask my teacher the best way of formulating, auf Deutsch, "Please could I buy a shirt that doesn't make me vomit".

Friday, May 11, 2007

Good habit

I've started adding my address to one of my email signatures.

This is because, as a German registered freelancer, you must put your address on all official correspondence.

Normally I really would not like to do this but it is required here in Germany.

And the answer is ...

... I start on Monday 21st.

Just been advised this by the ageny.

Another week of slacking.

Thursday, May 10, 2007


So the last two posts should answer the question you've all been asking:

"Now he has a job will he no longer be updating the ultimate job hunting blog?"

Of course I'll be updating it; I'm made of sterner stuff than giving up a job hunting blog just because I'm no longer job hunting.


Today I talked to a tax consultant to get lined up for the new job (as I'm now a freelancer in Germany and it's all very complicated and German).

I've been doing a few other things this week too.

I've also been wondering if I will start on Monday, or will have to wait another week (as they're looking for desk space for me).

Think I'll call the agency tomorrow.

Found it

When I was in England a few weeks ago I gathered up all the German audio cassettes I could find, and shoved them in my cabin bag.

These cassettes are criminal plays given to me by Fat Frank, a friend of mine who used to work in Germany.

If I'm ever involved in a murder intrigue in Germany I reckon I should be alright.

Except that I couldn't find my Walkman. I looked everywhere. And when I say "everywhere", I mean just a few places in my bedroom.

So, when I returned to Munich I went to the big-ass electrical store to get another Walkman.

"Ein was?"

Apparently you can't get Walkmans these days. At least not the ones that play audio tapes.

As a result the cassettes have been keeping the dust off one of my shelves.

But today I was looking for an instruction guide to my Wifi router and I found my Walkman (and I also found the instruction guide as well).

Er, good.

Saturday, May 05, 2007


Today's Times has an a list of hints on sending email.

They're taken from a book I may one day buy.

I reckon I could hold a masterclass on emails. Here's a few things I would mentioned, as well as those mentioned in the article:

- one phone call (or better still, face to face chat) saves 10 emails
- emails are read harsher than they're written
- DON'T i.e. at work don't use the worst form of communication humans have ever invented if there's an alternative.

Friday, May 04, 2007

Und now ve vait

Goddamn it. It's the waiting I can't stand.

The phone didn't ring this morning.

But I interviewed so well.

Stoically I went for my German class.

But my handy (German for mobile phone - see, I'm learning) didn't ring.

After lunch I chilled out a bit.

But how can I chill when I'm waiting for a job offer which might not happen?
Quite easily actually.

Then my mobile phone did ring.

And it was the agency.

And they told me that their client wants to take me on.

Would the middle of May be ok? Absolutely, gives me time to sort a few things out in fact (I had thought that if they wanted me, they would want me to start this Monday).

They may even have to postpone the start date by a week as they have space problems.

That's fine for me too.

This week I applied for no jobs, had one interview and one offer, which I'm going to accept.

Thursday, May 03, 2007


This morning my Skype made that incoming-call sound as I was getting dressed.

I rushed to my PC but didn't make it in time.

The caller left a message on my Pamela add-in.

It was the agency handling the contract job in Vienna. Their client wanted a telephone interview with me.

I quickly wrote an email telling the agent that I'd call her this afternoon, as I had to shoot.

And indeed I had to leave quickly so I would get to my second attempt at the final interview for the global PM job based in Munich.

I reached the agency in plenty of time so hung around nearby outside. I then bumped into someone with whom I used to work at the last company, here in Munich. He was on a bicycle and is now a student - studying for a PhD in ... outsourcing.

We had a quick chat and then I went into the agency.

No dog this time.

The agents (there was two of them) drove me to their client's office. And I had the interview with the recruiting manager.

The agents also attended the interview which is a first for me.

The interview went very well and I should hear tomorrow.

I actually think I have it in the bag - the recruiting manager said, as he departed, that he hoped we would work together soon.

But ... but if life was like that then life wouldn't be a bitch. And we all know what life is.

So, I wait to hear tomorrow.

When I got home I phoned the other agency about the Vienna job. But didn't get through. Then, she phoned me back but once again I didn't get to my PC in time.

Anyway this time I phoned her right back. I explained the situation and nevertheless we've agreed to have a telephone interview with the organisation in Vienna on Tuesday. If I hear good news tomorrow I'll cancel.

Now going off to a German-conversation group.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

That was quick

This morning I went to the agency in Munich who would then take me to their client for the interview.

Not sure why they wanted to do it this way but they did.

At their offices there was a medium-large dog who tried to make friends with me whilst the receptionist went to find my contact.

(Germans sometimes take their dogs into work).

I then went into an interview room. Eventually, but not too long, they came and told me that their client was stuck at Heathrow airport so we would have to reschedule.

That's ok, I said, and as I left said goodbye to the dog.

Later they called and confirmed that the interview will now take place tomorrow.

Now going off for a German lesson.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Quick update

Yesterday I was rather tired - I had had too much weekend.

But I cleaned my flat.

Today I sorted out a few things (like paying essential bills) and prepared for the interview tomorrow.

Oh, and I went to the gym.

Didn't job hunt though.