Look I’ve been busy, okay?
Busy #1Saturday was spent shopping my arse off if that’s possible.
I went to Brighton and bought loads of things, including:
Thing #1 a suitcase. Normally I like to shop around, see the best value for money, which in my case means the most compartments etc. In this case, the suitcase had two criteria to meet:
Suitcase criterion #1 It had to hold a suit and other things.
Suitcase criterion #2 It had to be not purple.
There would have been a third criterion, namely it had to have wheels, but all suitcases come with these.
Thing #2 contact lenses. This should have been easy. Just go into the opticians, as I’ve done many times before, and ask for some contact lenses. I did this and they said I had to have an eye check-up as it had apparently been two years since this had last happened. No check-up, no contact lenses. I looked upset so they said they’d do it in 20 minutes. Just as well really as my prescription has changed quite a bit.
I bought loads of other tings as well.
Busy #2Packing my arse off (
what?), or Sunday to give it its usual name. This was spent throwing things out, packing the other things and trying to find a hotel in Munich. Which I eventually did.
Busy #3That’s today, travelling to Heathrow, flying to Munich and checking into the hotel.
Brings you up to date.
Now, I don’t have ready (or cheap) internet access. But you’ll be using an RSS reader for this site (
won’t you?) so you’ll know when it’s been updated.
Remember, just because I’ve got a job doesn’t mean anything to the ultimate job hunting blog.